Saturday, October 24, 2015

You have to much craft stuff.

I had to laugh when I read this, and I can so relate.
Keeping my hands busy is an expensive venture at times. There are so many new projects, so many possibilities that I can always find room for more "stuff".
My daughter always rolls her eyes when I bring a new piece of wood home, even when I justify it because it is a DIFFERENT kind of wood and who knows when I might need just this exact piece.

And so my shelves in my craft room/office look like this...I think the wood is actually taking over the space usually reserved for my books.
Oh well, books, clay, wood, string, yarn, leather, felt....bring it on. I am sure I can find a spot for it somewhere.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

First competition...EEK...

I went outside of my comfort zone this weekend and entered two of my pieces into a woodcraft competition. It's always a but unnerving to be critiqued by your peers, by people who work with wood all the time. I was encouraged to enter by several people and so I did. I took second and third place, which both pleased ( and to be honest) disappointed me. Pretty silly of my since it was my first ever competition. I guess I am to proud for my own good.

I went down to pick up the two pieces and watched from a distance as they approached the table they were placed on. I would have loved to be a fly on the wall listening in on their conversation. Others approached me and complimented me on my work. It was very gratifying. I love sharing what I do, and getting feedback, suggestions and encouragement. It was balm for my soul. I look forward to giving another go next year.

Greenman 2nd place
Elk Plate 3rd Place