Saturday, December 5, 2015

Do I ever get bored?

As I have been working on my latest orders I had the sudden realization that someone will be opening this piece on Christmas morning. It seemed a bit surreal in some ways to think that something I made could be a part of someone's Christmas. I had a recent customer share with me that she knew her daughter would actually squeal with happiness when she opened her gift. What a compliment. The fact that something I love doing is also loved by those I share it with makes this a win-win all the way around.

Someone asked if I ever get bored doing the same piece over and over. I thought about it for a moment but could honestly say no. Each piece, no matter how many times I may do it looks and feels different. I think it is the wood. No two pieces of wood are the same, the grain, the texture, even the smell is very unique. My Story Book boxes are the repeat offenders....but making them is like reading the story over again. Peter Pan, Harry Potter, Winnie the Pooh, Lord of the Rings, just to name the top ones.

Who will come up with the newest version? I love a challenge...."Can you make this?" is one of my favorite questions.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

You have to much craft stuff.

I had to laugh when I read this, and I can so relate.
Keeping my hands busy is an expensive venture at times. There are so many new projects, so many possibilities that I can always find room for more "stuff".
My daughter always rolls her eyes when I bring a new piece of wood home, even when I justify it because it is a DIFFERENT kind of wood and who knows when I might need just this exact piece.

And so my shelves in my craft room/office look like this...I think the wood is actually taking over the space usually reserved for my books.
Oh well, books, clay, wood, string, yarn, leather, felt....bring it on. I am sure I can find a spot for it somewhere.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

First competition...EEK...

I went outside of my comfort zone this weekend and entered two of my pieces into a woodcraft competition. It's always a but unnerving to be critiqued by your peers, by people who work with wood all the time. I was encouraged to enter by several people and so I did. I took second and third place, which both pleased ( and to be honest) disappointed me. Pretty silly of my since it was my first ever competition. I guess I am to proud for my own good.

I went down to pick up the two pieces and watched from a distance as they approached the table they were placed on. I would have loved to be a fly on the wall listening in on their conversation. Others approached me and complimented me on my work. It was very gratifying. I love sharing what I do, and getting feedback, suggestions and encouragement. It was balm for my soul. I look forward to giving another go next year.

Greenman 2nd place
Elk Plate 3rd Place

Monday, September 28, 2015


I saw this the other day on Facebook and it made me laugh. These days I do this whenever I see a piece of wood. "Hmm, what could I burn on that?" "That would look really cool with an image burned into it!"

That is one of the reasons I love doing this. The possibilities are endless. Often the shape and the texture of the wood determines what can be done with it, but I try to imagine it in my mind

I just love wood...

I have to admit that sometimes I just pick the wood up to feel it and smell it. And of course there is the wonderful campfire smell that fills the room when I am working.

My neighbor stopped by one day and asked my husband what was burning in the house, he casually said "Oh, My wife is just working." It's a good thing he likes the smell too.

And now this crazy passion of mine has expanded to leather. Leather seems to attract people. They want to touch it, to smell it. So now I do the same thing when I see a piece of blank leather.

What else could I find to try this out on?

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Why do I do it?

So I have always tried to do new things with my hands. Pencil sketching, Cross Stitch, Sewing, Crochet....I just love to make things. It is an inherited trait, one I am grateful for.

About 2 years ago I was searching through Pinterest for random ideas and ran across some pyrography projects. I was facilitated by the detail and the depth of the images. I went to my local Walmart and purchased a cheap woodburning kit and found a scrap piece of wood and made my first attempt. It wasn't much but I was hooked.

It wasn't long before I was investing in a second burning tool so I could use different tips, and then I was introduced to the Razortip Burning system and everything changed. So many types of tips! So many options!

My first big project came only a short three months after I started burning.
This beautiful piece was a 4'x3' table top It was both terrifying and exciting to do. It was my first paid piece and I loved doing it.
Thank heavens I at least understood the basics of drawing, that helped so much in visualizing the details that were needed.

This was a Christmas Gift from a family to their father. It was a pleasure seeing it all come together.

I have since done a  lot of silly pieces, serious pieces, Custom orders, and experiments. I still find joy in watching it come to lie under the burning tip. I look forward to many more new things!